Monday 23 June 2014

Tips What you should never put on your resume

Here is some Tips by experts, keep in mind while represent your resume.


* Cut out all the irrelevant work experiences

If you are still listing that prized shift leader position from your high school days, its time to move on.
Yes, you might been the "king of making milkshakes," but unless you are planning on redeeming that title, its time to get rid of all that clutter.

* Take a pass on the personal stuff: marital status, religious preference and social security numbers
This might been the standard in the past, but all of this information is now illegal for your employer to ask you so there no need to include it. It will likely only hurt your chances of getting the position more than it would help you, says Catherine Jewell, author of the book "New Resume, New Career."
Another piece of personal information you should never include on your resume is your social security number, Sara Player, client support specialist for, told us. Player is not  actually sure why people decide to include their social security numbers, but she knows she sees it all too often and its unnecessary, not to mention, a little risky.

* Don't let your resume exceed one page
Yes, this might be difficult if you had a lot of experience and you are proud of all of it. But just because you are proud doesn't  mean they are necessarily relevant. Cut it down; employers don't have the time to read two whole pages. Sara Player says: "Keep your work history short and to the point. When you describe what you have achieved while in the position, try putting it in bullet form and put what is most important first."

* Don't list your hobbies
"Nobody cares — its not your Facebook profile," Player says.
In other words, don't put anything on your resume that's irrelevant to your job. If its not relevant, then its a waste of space and a waste of the company's time.

* Don't give them the chance to guess your age
Yes, your age is included in personal data, but if you don't want to be discriminated from a position because of your age, its time to remove your graduation date, says Catherine Jewell.
Doug Hadley of Mansfield, Texas, told MSN that has begun to leave out the fact that has a published author: "I don't want to have to omit such things, but I feel as though I don't even get considered if they are on my resume."
Sara Player advises to take out higher education if its irrelevant to the position you are applying for or if you keep receiving rejection letters stating that you are overqualified.

* Don't write your resume in the third person
Charlotte Beckett, head of Digital at The Good Agency, told that its fine to write in first person in your opening statement, but the rest of your resume should be in bullet points, such as:
Developed and delivered marketing strategies for a range of products
You should not write in the third person since the recruiter knows you are the one writing the resume.

* Don't include references
If your employers want to speak to your references, they will ask you. Also, its better if you have a chance to tell your references ahead of time that a future employer might be calling.
If you say "references upon request" at the bottom of your resume, you are merely wasting a valuable line, says career coach Eli Amdur.

* Don't include a less than professional email account. Make a new one. It takes minutes and it's free

* There's no need to identify your phone number
Amdur says there is no reason to put the word "phone" in front of the actual number.
"Its pretty silly. They know its your phone number." The same rule applies to email.

* Don't include your current business contact info
Amdur writes at
"This is not only dangerous, its stupid. Do you really want employers calling you at work? How are you going to handle that? Oh, and by the way, your current employer can monitor your e-mails and phone calls. So if you are not in the mood to get fired, or potentially charged with theft of services (really), then leave the business info off."

Saturday 21 June 2014

Tips to make a safe online shopping,Very useful for those who shop online mostly

Online shopping seems to be finally going mainstream in the country. A recent survey revealed online shopping in the country rise by over 155% as compared to last year's 85%.

However, as growth beckons online retailers, security remains a key concern. The recent hacking of popular shopping websites like eBay and Target highlight the need for security in the virtual world.

Here are five tips to stay safe when you buy things on the internet.

* Switch off Wi-Fi when not used for long periods

It's easy to forget about switching off one's broadband wireless and computer (and leaving it on standby) these days, but do keep in mind that Wi-Fi, by its very nature, can be used by people you don't want in your network.

Even a half-competent hacker can access your computer via an internet connection and steal various passwords and other confidential banking information. Whether you are a high value target or not, make sure that you disconnect from the internet when you do not require it.

* Avoid clicking on hyperlinks

You might get an email with a URL that claims to link you to an external site. If you are already registered for such a service from a bank or shopping website, do not click on such links.

There have been cases of malicious users sending emails with fake website links that are designed exactly like a bank or shopping website's original website. Once you enter your login details and password on such a website, they can be stored by a third party and can be used to log in to your account.

The third party can either make purchases on your behalf or transfer funds. Visit the actual website yourself and when logging on, type https://, which makes your session encrypted.

* Suspicious ads and pop-ups

Disregard any unsolicited or t suspicious looking pop-ups that appear during your online banking/shopping session.

* Shopping online using an internet tablet

Using a tablet, regardless of what make or operating system, is safe if you follow the same rules as when you're using a laptop or desktop.

If the bank's app has just been introduced and is relatively new, give it a skip and use the browser in stead as the app could have bugs. Other than that, there's almost no way someone could sneak any sort of spyware onto your tablet unless you've jail broken it.

You should, of course, set a pass code on your tablet for added security. Additionally, set up a location-based search app in the unfortunate event that you lose your tablet.

* Are Wi-Fi passwords the best bet?

Whether you're purchasing something online or transacting, hacking becomes easier when the website is not using SSL security.

While all banks that offer internet banking use multiple layers of security, not all shopping websites do. It makes better sense to stick to popular shopping websites.

For home use, mac address filtering works better than WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy), apart from WPA protection for Wi-Fi.

Friday 13 June 2014

15 Interesting Facts About Cristiano Ronaldo Life

Ronaldo Twitter Followers
Portugese sensation who master the English football and now has whole Spain singing his name, Ronaldo is by far the best football in the world at this very moment. Yeah that's right even better than Lionel Messi. He such a professional athlete and young kids who want to be footballers or athletes in general should look up to him and learn his work ethic, professionalism and how to keep learning and getting better even at the peak of you career.
Ronaldo is a special player and here are few amazing facts about him which you might not know, and we are open to the idea of you contributing here if we miss something. Just use the comment box below.

Whats the story behind the name ?

Cristiano Ronaldo and Ronald Reagan
Ronaldo’s full name is “Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro”, he was named after former american president Ronald Reagen. Ronaldo name was chosen by his father who was admired of the american president.

Start of somthing special ?

Cristiano Ronaldo early days in football
At the age of mere 11 year old he was snapped up by local club Sporting Lisbon. When Sporting coach Paulo Cardoso first saw Ronaldo he know this kid is special. according to him, Ronaldo just skipped past defenders like they were never there.
In his teen age days he was training with the weights in his feet, thinking it will improve his speed, sprint and technique because without weights he can do even better.
Ronaldo debut for Sporting lisbon
His first professional game for Sporting Lisbon came when he play in the “Portugese Super League” match at the age of 17 and that was the start of a journey which will make him one of the greatest players ever.

How Manchester United Signed Ronaldo ?

United were playing Sporting Lisbon in pre-season 2002-2003, and this young boy took the field and mesmarised United defenders just like once in a while someone comes along and lift your heart.
Ronaldo sign for Manchester United
John Oshea, Gary Neville and Roy Keane at the end of the game asked Sir Alex to buy Ronaldo. But Sir Alex had already made up his mind during halftime that Ronaldo will be going to Manchester United.
Liverpool and Arsenal passed on the opportunity to buy Ronaldo a year earlier, thinking he is not good enough. Arsene Wenger even acknowledged that in the press conference that he almost got Ronaldo before united.
When United signed Ronaldo, Sir Alex personally game him the no.7 shirt which was worn by some of the greatest United players in the history. Which goes to show how confident Sir Alex was about the ability of young Ronaldo.

Ronaldo’s Impressive Physic, Ability and Body mass:

Quite recently Arnold Schwarzenegger labeled Ronaldo as the fittest athlete in the world, and that goes to show how commited Ronaldo is in keeping shape and his physical strength.
Cristiano Ronaldo weight lifting training
Cristiano Ronaldo is fast, really fast. He recently defeated an Spanish sprinter Angel David Rodriguez in the zigzag spring challenge by half a minute while he narrowly lost against professional sprinter in straight line.
Ronaldo’s body fat ratio in the body is just 10% which is amazing considering the fact that even the high profile runway models (females) has on average around 13.7%. That certainly helps Ronaldi to sprint faster, jump higher and get the most out of his body.

Cristiano Ronaldo injuries while playing painful moments

Watch Moments here

Ronaldo Jump Higher than Average NBA Players:

Amazing Ronaldo Jumps
Now this is interesting, if you have seen Ronaldo often in football games you would know that he has this amazing ability of jumping head and shoulders higher than the other footballers. Which gives him many headed goals. He can easily out jump an average NBA player.

How He Does That ?

Ronaldo can reach height of 44cm in the air during his jump and that's all because he produced almost 5 times more G-force than a cheetah during take off to his jump. (pretty amazing)

The fastest recorded free kicks in the world:

Again if you have seen some of his free-kick from around 25 meter distance you would know that he can sting keepers hands with his fierce kicks. His average free-kick speed is around 130 kmph. We are talking about his trademark free-kicks from a certain distance, not the ones which he has to curl or bend. The ones which he unleashed with brute force.

The Highest Paid Footballers In the World ?

Yes he is, Ronaldo recently signed a new contract with Real Madrid making him the highest paid players in the world. He makes around £337,000 equalent of $565,721 a week in salary. Making it around $26 million a year in just salary.
Ronaldo money
He also has a very highly lucarative sponsorship deal with NIKE, where he nets around $10 million a year from endorsements.
Ronaldo needs only 6 days, 10 hours and 17 minutes to earn what American President Barak Obama earns in 1 year. Overpaid ? think again.

Status of e-commerce industry may reach $70 billion by 2020

There is a common saying about the Indian retail consumers' "can't touch, won't buy" mentality. However, this is gradually changing with the rising trend of online shopping.

India's e-commerce business jumped by more than 80 percent in 2013 and the momentum is likely to continue for at least the next five-six years, the founders of the country's largest e-commerce firm, Flipkart, say
Flipkart co-founder and chief executive officer Sachin Bansal said the e-commerce business in India is expected to reach around $50-70 billion by 2020 on the back of a fast growing internet-connected population and improvement in related infrastructure like payment and delivery systems.

The size of India's e-commerce market in 2013 was around $13 billion, according to a joint report of KPMG and Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI). The online travel segment contributed over 70 percent of the total consumer e-commerce transactions last year.

Bansal said online retail, also known as "e-tail", will lead the industry's growth in the coming years.

"Consumer mentality and shopping patterns are changing very fast. Online shopping is going to become mainstream in the coming five-six years," Bansal told IANS in an interview.

He said smartphones would be the biggest online shopping driver in the coming years.

"Over half a billion Indians will switch to smartphones in the next five-six years. That's going to be a big driver of e-commerce in India," Bansal added.

According to Bansal, online shopping is becoming increasingly popular in smaller cities.

"Tier-II and Tier-III cities are opening up very rapidly. By 2020, you will have e-commerce penetrated everywhere, whether it is smaller cities or rural areas," said Bansal.

Alumni of the Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi, Sachin and Binny Bansal co-founded Flipkart in 2007. They claim the company now controls nearly one-third of India's online retail business and has over 1 crore (10 million) registered users.

"By 2020, our target is to be a $20 billion company. We are thinking really big. We are investing a lot on technologies, especially on mobiles and the supply chain," said Binny Bansal.

"We have raised a good amount of funding this year. We are well funded for the foreseeable future. However, we will continue to raise funds as and when required," he said when asked about funding for the company's expansions.

Flipkart has raised nearly $550 million since 2009 from venture capitals like Tiger Global, Accel Partners, Iconiq Capital and Naspers Group.

Sachin Bansal emphasised on the need for implementing a uniform goods and services tax (GST) as this would help boost the e-commerce business.
"Right now it's a bit complicated for sellers to ship products across India because taxes vary from state to state and it is also calculated differently. GST will really be a help for the industry," he said.

He pointed out that despite high growth in recent years, India's e-commerce industry is still in a nascent stage. Online shopping accounts for less than one percent of the total shopping in the country. Total global online sales reached $1.22 trillion in 2013. In China alone it was around $200 billion.

Just around 12 percent of Indian population is into online transactions against more than half of their Chinese counterparts. This proportion is much higher in the developed countries like the US, where the figure is 64 percent.

Internet connectivity and other logistics infrastructure are still a big drag. This makes servicing in smaller towns a bit challenging, said Bansal.

According to the KPMG and IAMAI report, only around 10,000 out of the more than 150,000 pin codes in the country are covered by courier companies. The penetration of courier services is critically important to boost online shopping as deliveries are mostly done through them.